Juhana Antila


Juhana Antila X Polar Apex

Arctic Battle Uniform


Juhana Antila’s graduate work is a collaboration between the designer and the start-up company Polar Apex. It consists of the development of an Arctic Battle Uniform, a military outfit for demanding weather conditions.


Working in conjunction with a certain insulation technology the designer and the company manufactured a combat uniform that prevents cold from penetrating the fabric and which keeps the user warm. Hypothermia, decrease in basic motor function, thermal signatures and many other issues were problems Antila aimed to minimize and solve.


The Arctic Battle Uniform is a family of products. At the moment the offering consists of a jacket, combat pants, overalls and gaiters. Each piece is tailored according to the needs of soldiers around the western world. The knowhow and expertise behind the uniform design comes from the team at Polar Apex, consisting of the designer Juhana Antila, who is an active reservist designer, and a former Finnish Army Special Operations Operator.   

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